Thursday, September 9, 2010

Injectors Testing

Injectors Testing

i was testing the fuel injectors so first i got the fuel injectors rails and i was testing it by the miultmeter and turns to ohms and then i was testing all 4 injectors and the restiance for each other is 0.14 ohms.. And the manufacturers is 1.5 so im sure the 4 injectors is okay nt that bad so it wil work fine.

the next bit i have wire up the injection with the 5v and i cant hear the clicking so i used ma had and i feel the clicking like the virbration. so i know all four of them are working.

The next bit is tesing bench cleaning fuel injectors

Good even cone is good conditon and very useful n good injectos

Offset pattern bit alright but it okay to use for a long term it could be nt mch voltage going thorugh the injectors

Poor atomissation is might be some faults on or the fuel pump not operating well.

Dribble my view i think the injector need to be replace no use and it wasting alot of fuel

the specifcation of maufacuter is injector leakage no drops per miniutes

the injecoter flow rates is 177cc per a minute

that picture it showing how good each injector going which pattern is it and which is the leakage like dirbble. 2 injecoted require attentions.

The fuel injectors numer one was good even cone same as the number 2 and 3. the number 4 was a poor atomistation. i think that has beeen damaged or it need to be clean up so it can be used again.

Testing Ignition Coils

i chosen 2 coils for tesing the voltages , primary and secondary primary.

so i was lookin the those 2 coil for specification and founds the number and match my reading wid ma muiiltmeter

this picture when i was testing two coils the muitmeter and set to 200ohms

the coil 1 when i was testin it was good and it can be seriveable bt the other coil number 2 cant be sevicable there some fualtys in the coils could be a crack or somthing

Now im testin the secondary windings

they all serviceable

Testing Ballast Resistors

i have wire up the ballast in the big circuit board and has the ballast on itt

i calauted with the muiltmeter and find the reading for the ballast and the coils

Current draw 4.35v
Coil calcualted voltage drop 40.2v
Coil Measured Voltage drop 0.3v
Ballast resistor calcauted voltage drop 0.09v
Ballast resistor measured voltage drop 12.19v
i caulated the currernt draw and i got 4.35 ohms becasue dat the full ciruits with the ballast and the coil.

Wiring Ignition Systems

i wired the igniton module using a function generator to the trigger. using the colil and spark plug in the circuit to seee if they are firing or nt

atfer i done all the wiring it started to spark and it working then i turned the trigger bit higher and ths spark go faster and faster and making too mch noise for me though because it affected my hearing aids.

Wiring up and igniton module using a distrivutor to the trigger to the module

it was working fine i used the distrubutor and spin it and it was firing so it was working.and i have learnt a bit how it works for the ingnitions

Wiring up the wasted spark ingiton sytems using the funciton generator to the trigger the modules

this project i have done it was working well and it was two start plug firing and it shows the current n the voltages goi through the cicuirt to the start plug to ground.

Wiring up the coil over ingiton system using the funection generator to trigger the module.

it simlar as the first part i did but added 3 startplugs and has coil in it n trigger and also the Amp. Well 3 start plug was firing pefect!

The caultions ccurrent primary 2.5 ohms+ 2.2 ohms.

Tranistor max current is 3mA

12/3 =4ohms

Connect the cirucut up to the function genertator and the start plug

I choosen the wrong resistor 22 ohms it mean to be 2.2ohms and it was to find the datasheet online beacuase i havnt that before ,
Next time i will follower the data sheet correclty and find the right ones to used.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Vane or flap air flow sensor/meter (AFM)

Vane or flap air flow sensor/meter (AFM)

Are your results within the manufacturer's specifications, why or why not?

Yes it does beacasue the readings is qiut the same to the manufactuers specifcition

The 5 volts is a referencer voltage supplied from the ECU. The singal voltage wil change when the van postion changes

Coolant Temperature Sensor

Measuring the Resistancer between the terminals

Does the Sensor meet the manufacture's specififcation why or why nt?

This is a ECT thermistor (engine coolant temperature)

it operation as the engine coolant temperature

Thermo Fan Switch Measuring the Resistance between the terminals

This is a Fan Switch and it switched at 90 degree. the circuit has a relay which is normally siwtched on.

This is a theromistor fan switch

the resistance changes becasue the water it gettin bit hotter and boiled so the resitence changes and going lower and lower

Air temperature sensors

Measuring the Resitance between the two terminals

This is a Air temperature sensor

the higher the air temperature gets the less dense the air becomes. The results of the Air and Coolant sensors well my view is simlar both of them but it depends on the temp n water boiling and how fast it goes and same goes for the switches

Knock Sensor

Explain why are reading a voltage from this sensor when we are not supplying a voltage to it

Because of the friction when you keep tapping it and it shows the wave rasing up and down the back sensor.

Speed Sensors

Checking on the Air Gap of the Distributor

that when i was using a feeler guage

atfer this i used a ocillosope to record the time and voltages showing

probe x volts x 5squares x 1/f = f

0.2v x 5v x 1/f = 1f

when a person was roatate the distributor like spining by hand and the use the oscilloscope on the postive side and show the reading when u spinning the distribuor

Hall Effect Sensors

i have done everything like wired up and things and it ddint works so i have used the voltmeter and the leture was helping me a bit and making me to try find where the fuaulty. and i check all the sensor everyhting was supply 12 volts then throgh hall sensor it was 5v so it a good ground. so i was wondering why it aint working. bt the finally it was the Hall Sensor faulty so i couldnt do the reading and findig the voltages everytime like clockwise until the voltages changes again.