This worksheet that i have done it using a mutiltmeters and finding the resistor and learning how to back wire without breaking the wires and using the pins.
Never probe wire through the insulations and alway go to the terimal or connection points beacause the water wil get intot the wire and it wil damaged it. Probing through the insluation it wil create fualts and also dont play with connector teriminals beacasue it can weaken them and amke them loose.
i test my meter and it shouldnt be any resistence on my meter so it working by crossin each other lead the red and black.
Then i used a hard sheell connector with all the wires on it so i was testing them by using the pin into the wires atfer that i used the meter and found out the reading and the reading was 0.1
The result should'nt be more than .1 If is more than that then it a bad connection wil give you high ohms readings.