CO- 0.02 means from rich air/fuel mixures.
Hc- 38ppm means from the ingition misfire or misfire to lean or rich air/fuel mixtures.
Co2- 0.037 means when the carbon from the fuel is fully oxide during the combustion working or proccess.
02 -21% means proivde a good indication of lean runing engine.
Sorry Sir dont have the pics of it:( becuase rex didnt email me.
CO is 0.152
HC is 281
CO2 is 12.21
02 is 4.56
this when the engine when it was cold and ilding and u can see all the readings changing when it startin to warm up and the CO2 is going down because of the fuel and air.
when the engine is warmed up
CO is 0.01
HC is 248
C02 is 10.72
02 is 6.63
you can see the litte changed as above this test im doing it was when the answer is warmin up can you the C0 is low and same the HC as well so most of the reading going down a bit bt the 02 is increasing up.
Reving the engine to 2500RPM
CO is 0.61
HC is 189
C02 is 13.71
02 is 5.59
u can see the reading some of them went down and some of them went up so the CO has increase a bit but i dont know why maybe has more togure like power maybe that why it has increased so the HC is going lower and lower 02 has been going down as well. maybe of the air or the weather maybe that why it been changing a bit.
This when using a carbutettor spray and spray on the air filter and u can changes happening when i spray it!
CO is 248
HC is 405
CO2 is 11.20
02 is 2.93
so the reading has been a qiute differnt so the C0 and the HC has been increased higher and CO2 and 02 has beem going lower than the one from the above. so it the engine is been runing lean when the engine is warmed up.
testing the engine taking the vacumm off and test it
C0 is 0.138
HC is 365
C02 is 9.6
02 is 7.73
All of the reading went down expet the 02 is bit higher because the vacumm has been remove so the engine combustion is not operating well so they why has been drop.
Accelerate the engine by using the throttle a few times.
CO IS 99.6
HC IS 12.06
C02 IS 5.15
02 IS 1.84
you can see the reading been rasin it upp because of revin it it like more power n more combustion running it
so u can see the CO and HC has increased but the 02 has been desincreased alot i think i alot of pressure or loads
Disconnect one spark plug that was a bit risky lol no one wanted to do that part lol well we jst done it
ad the jumper wire and test and got the readings
CO is 0.24
HC is 11.78
C0 is 6.58
02 is 11.63
i see the 02 has been incrased alot as the above well because i think we didnt put the right place for ground wasnt enough that why the reading has been a bit mess up.
Disconnect the injector harness connnectors from the injector on the engine and while the engine on idling
C0 is 0.08
HC is 595
CO2 is 5.85
02 is13.36
when the injectors harness connect been disconnected the CO has been lowerd and the HC has the biggest drop out of all the testing i have done so as the 02 has been increased .
Changes rocking the steering wheel..
C0 IS 0.77
HC is 175
C02 is 12.28
02 is 335
i think when the car doing some movment the HC drops alot and im sure that normal for all the the C02 has been increased alot and others bit lower. so when you doing some actions some reading goes down and up it never have the same reading at all.
Well all the reading was all differnt like doing all differnt activity like disonnect things and rev. if there wasnt a catayytic conveter the reading wil be all wrong maybe it wont work well and get strange numbers.
If the the dash board showing the faulty light of the catalytic converter and if it doesnt work there it goi to have a problem. that it very important it should be working all the time
02 sensors has 4 wires for normal cars like japanese cars some others cars might have extra wires depend what kind of car is it. there postive wire negtive wire input singal n output singal those the 4 wire in one 02 sensor.
This worksheet is about using a LAB SCOPE
seting up ,
fire voltage
burn voltage
burn time
dewll time
yes al the these primarty ignition voltages readings are normal
was testing them and got all the reading of differnt activtty
and i unstand the differnt between firing and burning voltages.
To see more clear i would use a single pattern and normal waveform. to find the fault u can see the ingition how high it does if it was short that means there somthing wrong with the ingition it should alway supply 12v through the ingition systems also u can see the ground.
Secondary Voltage patterns
Using the Lab scope and recoarding the fire voltages and burn time
i got all the reading it showin on the picture
this i was testing the secondary and i was forcing on the cylinder number 2 and i used the specail i think it was grid or somthing to actate like aim the point sharp and other one goes on the botoom line and then you wil get the number of the firing voltages then a small one is the burn time then the long staight line is ground i think so. Sorry we didnt do the snap accerltertion we didnt know how to do it. im sure it like a short throttle that what you called a snap accerlerations.
This one is disconnect 1 of the spark plug wire and short the jumper wire and conect to the ground.
and i disconnect the cylinder number four.
done all the testing when the engine was idling for a short time and got all the readings.
you can see the strength of the firing with the big start plug and the more u rev the more spark it created and firing way faster than idling.
the next one is when ingiton systems r shorted
and the engine is running rough as well and you also see the voltages has been drop a bit. atfer testing put we plug the start plug again and let the engine run normal again.
Testing the einge wid the short plug gap
done al the testing with the firing voltages and burn time with the short plug gap
this a pic of the spark tester
this a picture of using the Lab Scope with the spark tester